Mosman-Neutral Bay Rifle Club
Mosman-Neutral Bay Rifle Club
Mosman-Neutral Bay Rifle Club is one of the oldest and one of the strongest rifle clubs in Australia.
Formed in 1915, (with our sister club, the Mosman-Neutral Bay Smallbore Rifle Club), we continue to perform at the highest standard, with many members representing New South Wales and Australia in what is Australia's oldest international sport.
Rifle target shooting is a sport where all competitors (regardless of age, sex, physique, strength and stamina) compete on an equal footing. It demands physical and mental agility and skill, without requiring extraordinary strength and staying power.
The Club's members pursue both Target Rifle and F-Class disciplines, and we enter representative teams in competitions.
Shooting teaches discipline and patience, preparation and anticipation, accurate observation and judgement, safety and mutual respect. It is by some measure one of the safest sports in Australia.
Our members range from teenagers to nonagenarians and collectively represent a wealth of experience; everyone has a positive attitude to bringing on newcomers to the sport - a club ethos that has enabled us to attract, train and retain the best marksmen in the country.
We cannot organise shooting functions for groups, but individuals are welcome to arrange a trial shoot.