Club History
Club History
The Club was formed in the early days of WW1 as a drill and shooting training corps to prepare men for going into the armed services. Over 700 men joined the club, and 243 of these went overseas with the AIF. The club continued to train new members, and also became a servicemen's support group through the war, raising money, building homes for servicemen overseas and sending parcels of "comforts" to members fighting in France and elsewhere. Judging by the letters received in thanks, these little parcels - perhaps containing just a pair of socks, some lollies and a little tobacco - did much to raise and maintain morale.
The value of the initial training provided by the club is illustrated by the transfer of many of its enlisted members to sniper duties or deployment as instructors.
16 of those who enlisted died on active service, mostly in France.
6 won the Military Cross, one the Military Medal, and one the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Between the wars, 4 club members won King's Prizes - Queensland twice, NSW and Western Australia, and in team shooting the Club has always been a force to be reckoned with.
Early competion success and the return of many members from the front and the camaraderie maintained throughout the war years meant that the club managed the transition to a target shooting sporting club very quickly indeed. The post-war years saw the club teams start to become successful in competition; the construction of a club hut, built entirely by volunteer labour; and the establishment of a sporting success record that has continued to the present day.